Square Bubbles Experiment

Let’s Make some Bubbles!



Experimenting with square bubbles is the perfect summer time activity!  Get outside, get messy, and have some fun!  Bubbles are fun for any age and it will definitely get you talking about science!  To make a square bubble, you’ll need the following materials:


  • Six straws
  • Six pipe cleaners
  • Scissors
  • Bubble Mix – Store bought or homemade
    • Homemade bubble mix is easy to make:
      • 6 cups of water (distilled water can be used if your home has hard water)
      • 1 cup Dawn Dish soap (Another soap can be used as long as it’s not anti-bacterial)
      • 1 tablespoon cup glycerin (optional, but can be found at your pharmacy and craft stores)
      • Allow the solution to sit overnight if possible


Pipe Cleaners, straws and scissors

Step 1: Take your 6 straws and six pipe cleaners and cut them in half.






Step 2. Take three pip cleaners and twist them together on one end.  Then spread them apart into the shape of a pyramid.  You will make four of these and they will each act as a corner to your cube.





Step 3:  Slide the straw onto each leg of your pyramid.  This is going to give your bubble something to hold onto.




Bubble Cube for dipping

Step 4: Build your cube.  Remember, each corner will have three edges joining together.  Work to get your cube to stand up and balance itself.  This may seem tricky, but those pipe cleaners are super bendy and will allow you to to get it perfect.



bubble cube in soap solution

Step 5: Submerge your cube into the soap solution and let it sit in the solution for a moment.  Make sure your bowl is deep enough for the cube to be completely submerged.




Mister C Cube Bubble

Step 6: Pull the cube out of the solution at an angle and allow some of the solution to run off of it. You’ll notice that you probably don’t have a bubble in the center yet, but you may notice that there is a square that has formed.  Set your contraption on the table so that you are looking down onto the square.  Then gently take a piece of straw and glow a small bubble onto it.  Your spherical bubble will land and grab onto the edges to create your bubble cube!


It took me a few tries to get it, but it was so much fun once I figured it out.  I made cubed bubbles for over an hour.  I wonder what might happen if I dipped in a pyramid, or a rectangular prism?

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